Uttar Pradesh Government Amends Hotel Building Byelaws to Boost Tourism

In a significant move to capitalize on the growing tourism sector, the Uttar Pradesh government has revised its hotel building byelaws. An official spokesperson described this amendment as a “reformative step,” aimed at making it easier for new players to enter the hospitality industry.

Key Changes in the Byelaws

According to the government order issued by the Housing and Urban Planning Department, the Building Construction and Development Byelaws of 2008 have been amended. Here are the primary changes:

- Minimum Rooms and Land Requirement: The new byelaws stipulate that a minimum of six rooms is required for a building to qualify as a hotel. Importantly, there will no longer be a minimum land area requirement for hotels with 6 to 20 rooms, provided they comply with the building construction and development regulations. For larger hotels with more than 20 rooms, the required plot size has been halved from 1,000 square meters to 500 square meters.

- Location and Road Width Requirements: Hotels with up to 20 rooms can now be constructed on roads that are at least nine meters wide in residential areas. Larger hotels will need to be situated on roads that are at least 12 meters wide. In non-residential areas, all hotels must be built on roads with a minimum width of 12 meters.

- Parking and Space Allocation: The amendments mandate that hotel owners provide parking space equivalent to 1.5 car spaces per 100 square meters of built-up area. Additionally, buildings up to 15 meters in height must leave a space of five meters at the front, three meters at the back, and three meters on each side. For taller buildings, the existing byelaws regarding setbacks and ground coverage will apply.

Height and Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

The revised byelaws remove restrictions on the height of buildings within the permissible ground coverage and FAR. However, the height will be regulated by the distance from protected monuments, heritage sites, airport funnel zones, and other statutory limitations.

For large hotels built on plots of 4,000 square meters or more, 20% of the FAR can be utilized for commercial and office purposes, and another 20% can be allocated for service apartments. Additionally, 5% of the extra ground coverage area can be used for the entrance lobby, which will not be included in the FAR calculation.

A Boost to the Tourism Sector

These amendments are expected to significantly ease the process for developing new hotels, thereby boosting the tourism sector in Uttar Pradesh. By reducing land requirements and allowing flexibility in building heights and uses, the state aims to attract more investments in hospitality, which could lead to increased tourist arrivals and economic growth.

Ensuring Compliance and Safety

While the new byelaws provide more flexibility, they also ensure compliance with safety and regulatory standards. The allocation of parking spaces and mandatory setbacks are designed to prevent congestion and maintain the aesthetic and functional integrity of urban areas.


The amendment of the Building Construction and Development Byelaws is a strategic move by the Uttar Pradesh government to foster growth in the tourism sector. By making it easier for businesses to establish hotels, the state hopes to enhance its hospitality infrastructure, attract more visitors, and boost the local economy. This reform underscores the government's commitment to creating a conducive environment for tourism development while ensuring compliance with essential regulatory standards.

Image source- pixabay.com