Pune Set to Construct the World's Largest Stepwell; First To Be Built In India In The Last 500 Years

Just a day after World Environment Day, Pune marks a historic milestone as the foundation stone is laid for constructing the world’s largest stepwell. This ambitious project is part of India's first sustainable township, EvoGreen City, spearheaded by renowned builder Sandeep Sonigra. Not only is this stepwell a marvel of architectural ingenuity, but it also represents a significant leap in water conservation efforts, echoing the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. This significant water conservation project, will be the first stepwell built in the country in the last 500 years.

Historical Context:

Stepwells have been an integral part of India's architectural heritage, serving as vital sources of water for centuries. While regions like Gujarat and Rajasthan boast magnificent stepwells, Pune's venture into this ancient practice signifies a resurgence of traditional wisdom in modern urban planning. These stepwells not only provided water but also served as social hubs and places of worship, showcasing the cultural richness of India's past.

EvoGreen City: A Beacon of Sustainability

EvoGreen City is not merely a residential development; it's a testament to sustainable living. Situated amidst 70 acres of lush forest and alongside the Indrayani river, this township epitomizes harmony with nature. By harnessing renewable energy and implementing innovative water harvesting techniques, EvoGreen City sets a new standard for eco-friendly urban development. The integration of nature into urban spaces promotes biodiversity and improves residents' quality of life.

The Visionary Behind the Project:

Sandeep Sonigra, renowned for his eco-friendly initiatives, is the driving force behind EvoGreen City and the world's largest stepwell project. His commitment to preserving the environment while meeting the needs of modern living exemplifies responsible entrepreneurship. Sonigra's holistic approach to development prioritizes environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic prosperity. Through his leadership, Pune is poised to become a model city for sustainable urbanization.

Stepwell Technical Specifications:

The stepwell, with a volume of 90 thousand cubic meters, dwarfs its predecessors, such as the Abhaneri stepwell in Rajasthan. Its construction will proceed in two phases, with the first phase reaching a depth of 10 meters. Made entirely of stone, this engineering marvel promises to revolutionize water conservation efforts in the region. The use of locally sourced materials and traditional building techniques ensures the stepwell's cultural authenticity while minimizing environmental impact.

Impact on Water Conservation:

By preserving rainwater and replenishing groundwater, the stepwell not only meets the needs of EvoGreen City's residents but also benefits the surrounding villages. In a region prone to drought, this initiative serves as a lifeline, ensuring water security for generations to come. The stepwell's cascading design maximizes surface area for rainwater collection, making it a highly efficient means of water storage. Additionally, the project includes educational programs on water conservation to raise awareness and empower communities.

The construction of the stepwell in EvoGreen City not only promotes water conservation but also mitigates the urban heat island effect by providing shaded areas and enhancing natural cooling. The incorporation of green spaces and indigenous flora further enhances biodiversity and creates habitats for local wildlife.

Architectural Significance:

Beyond its utilitarian function, the stepwell stands as a testament to human creativity and ingenuity. Its intricate design and imposing structure pay homage to India's rich architectural heritage while embracing modern sustainability principles. The stepwell's symmetrical layout and decorative elements reflect the aesthetic sensibilities of the region, creating a timeless masterpiece that transcends generations. As a symbol of cultural identity and environmental stewardship, the stepwell inspires awe and admiration among all who behold it.

Socio-Economic Implications:

The project's self-sufficiency in water and energy not only reduces the township's ecological footprint but also fosters economic resilience. By promoting local employment and sustainable practices, EvoGreen City sets a precedent for inclusive growth. The construction and maintenance of the stepwell create jobs and stimulate economic activity, benefiting both residents and the broader community. Additionally, the project enhances property values and attracts investment, driving economic development in the region.

The project also fosters a sense of community through participatory planning processes and inclusive decision-making. Residents are actively involved in shaping the development of their neighborhood, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met. This bottom-up approach strengthens social cohesion and promotes a culture of shared responsibility towards the environment.

Legacy and Continuity:

As the newest addition to India's roster of stepwells, Pune's monumental undertaking promises to inspire future generations. By honoring tradition and embracing innovation, this project ensures a legacy of environmental stewardship and community resilience. The stepwell's enduring presence serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of past, present, and future, urging us to tread lightly on the earth and preserve its resources for posterity. Through collaborative efforts and shared vision, Pune paves the way for sustainable urban development worldwide.


As Pune embarks on its journey towards sustainability, the construction of the world's largest stepwell in EvoGreen City stands as a testament to human ingenuity and collective action. By harnessing the power of innovation, community engagement, and environmental stewardship, Pune sets a new standard for urban development in the 21st century. As the world faces unprecedented environmental crises, EvoGreen City offers a beacon of hope and a roadmap for building resilient and livable cities for future generations.

Image sources- freepressjournal.in, https://evogreencity.com