Understanding the Zero Deposit Rental Scheme in Bengaluru: A Solution for Tenants and Landlords

In recent years, Bengaluru has seen a dramatic increase in rental prices, largely due to the city's rapid economic growth and urbanization. The traditional rental market in Bengaluru has often required tenants to pay hefty security deposits, equivalent to several months of rent, creating a significant financial burden. However, a novel approach called the zero deposit rental scheme has been gaining traction, offering potential relief for both tenants and landlords. 

The Rise of Rental Costs and Security Deposits 

Bengaluru's rental market has experienced a surge in prices following the return-to-office mandate after the pandemic. This trend has forced many professionals to move back to the city, escalating demand for rental properties. Traditionally, landlords have sought security deposits of up to ten months' rent, locking away a substantial amount of tenants' funds and exacerbating their financial strain.

What is Zero Deposit Rentals? 

The zero deposit rental scheme designed to ease the burden of security deposits. Under this model, instead of a traditional deposit, tenants sign a rental bond with the landlord, facilitated by a third party. This bond, secured by a nominal one-time fee and an annual premium (typically around 6% of the deposit amount), acts as a guarantee for the landlord, covering potential damages or unpaid rents. 

For example, consider a typical rental scenario under this scheme: a tenant interested in a property with a monthly rent of ₹10,000 would traditionally need to provide a ₹60,000 security deposit. With the zero deposit scheme, the tenant avoids this upfront payment, instead paying a one-time fee (e.g., ₹3,600) and a slightly higher monthly rent (e.g., ₹10,500 instead of ₹10,000) to cover the premium of the bond. 

How does Zero Deposit Rentals Work? 

1. Tenant Enrollment: 

Tenant enrollment in the zero deposit rental scheme marks the initial step towards securing a rental property without the burden of a traditional security deposit. This process typically begins with tenants actively searching for rental listings through various channels, such as online platforms, real estate agencies, or direct communication with landlords. Once a suitable property is identified, tenants submit rental applications to landlords or property managers. These applications often include detailed information about the tenant's background, employment history, income, references, and any other relevant details that can help landlords assess their suitability as tenants.

2. Application and Screening: 

Upon receiving rental applications, landlords or property managers conduct thorough screenings to evaluate the suitability of potential tenants. This screening process involves various checks, including background checks, credit checks, employment verification, and rental history verification. Landlords use this information to assess the tenant's ability to meet the financial obligations of the lease agreement and to determine the level of risk associated with renting the property to them. By conducting comprehensive screenings, landlords aim to minimize the likelihood of default or breaches of the lease agreement during the tenancy period. 

3. Signing the Rental Bond: 

Once a tenant is approved for a rental property, they have the option to enroll in the zero deposit scheme instead of providing a traditional security deposit. This option is presented to tenants as part of the lease agreement, and those who choose to participate sign a rental bond agreement with a designated third-party provider. The rental bond agreement serves as a financial guarantee for the landlord, ensuring that they are protected against potential damages, unpaid rent, or breaches of the lease agreement by the tenant. By signing the rental bond, tenants agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement, including the payment of a one-time fee to the third-party provider. 

4. Payment of Fees: 

As part of the enrollment process, tenants are required to pay a one-time fee to the third-party provider to cover the cost of administering the rental bond. This fee is typically a fraction of the amount of a traditional security deposit and may vary depending on the rental property and the terms of the agreement. Additionally, tenants may agree to pay a slightly higher monthly rent to offset the risk for the landlord associated with the zero deposit arrangement. These fees are designed to provide landlords with financial protection and to ensure that the zero deposit scheme remains sustainable for all parties involved. 

5. Coverage and Guarantees: 

The rental bond agreement provides landlords with coverage and guarantees against potential risks or liabilities arising from the tenant's occupancy of the property. In the event of any default, damages, or breaches of the lease agreement, landlords can file a claim with the third-party provider to recover the costs, up to the agreed-upon limit specified in the rental bond agreement. This arrangement offers peace of mind to landlords, knowing that they have financial protection in place to address any unforeseen issues that may arise during the tenancy period. Additionally, tenants benefit from the assurance that their obligations under the lease agreement are backed by a reputable third-party provider. 

6. Tenancy Period: 

Throughout the tenancy, tenants are responsible for fulfilling the terms of the lease agreement, including timely payment of rent, maintenance of the property, and adherence to

property rules and regulations. The rental bond remains in effect for the duration of the lease term, providing ongoing security for the landlord against any potential risks or liabilities. Tenants are expected to comply with the terms of the rental bond agreement and to notify the landlord or property manager of any issues or concerns that may arise during the tenancy period. By maintaining open communication and adhering to the terms of the lease agreement, tenants can help ensure a smooth and successful rental experience for both parties. 

7. End of Tenancy: 

When the lease term expires, and the tenant vacates the property, a final inspection is conducted to assess the condition of the property and to identify any damages or outstanding issues. If there are no significant damages or breaches of the lease agreement, the tenant is entitled to receive their full security deposit from the third-party provider, minus any applicable deductions for damages or unpaid rent. The rental bond agreement typically includes provisions for dispute resolution in case of disagreements between the landlord and tenant regarding the return of the deposit, ensuring a fair and transparent process for all parties involved. By adhering to the terms of the rental bond agreement and cooperating with the end-of-tenancy procedures, tenants can facilitate the timely return of their security deposit and maintain positive relationships with landlords and property managers. 

Benefits for Tenants 

The most significant advantage for tenants is the financial relief from not having to pay a large security deposit upfront. This model not only aids in better cash flow management but also makes moving more affordable and less stressful, particularly for young professionals and migrant workers who constitute a substantial portion of Bengaluru's renting demographic. 

Additionally, the zero deposit scheme promotes greater financial inclusivity by reducing barriers to entry for tenants who may not have substantial savings or credit history to afford traditional security deposits. This inclusivity enhances social mobility and access to housing for a wider range of individuals and families. 

Advantages for Landlords 

Landlords benefit from the zero deposit scheme by having a safety net that does not rely on large sums of cash held as security. The rental bond ensures that they are protected against property damages or financial defaults by tenants. Furthermore, properties enrolled in zero deposit schemes might attract a broader pool of tenants and potentially reduce vacancy periods, thus providing landlords with more consistent rental income. 

Moreover, the administrative burden associated with managing security deposits, including handling and refunding them at the end of the lease term, is significantly reduced under the zero deposit scheme. This streamlined process saves time and resources for landlords, allowing them to focus on other aspects of property management. 

Market Response and Adaptation 

According to a recent survey by NoBroker, approximately 35% of tenants in Bengaluru expressed willingness to opt for zero deposit rentals, and about 5% of rental properties are currently operating under this model. This response indicates a significant interest and gradual acceptance, signaling a potential shift in the traditional rental market dynamics. 

As tenants become more aware of the benefits of zero deposit rentals and as more landlords adopt this model, its prevalence in the market is likely to increase. This growing acceptance may also lead to the development of standardized practices and regulations to govern zero deposit rental agreements, further enhancing trust and transparency in the rental market. 

Challenges and Considerations 

Despite the advantages, the zero deposit model is not without its challenges. Some landlords remain skeptical, preferring the security of traditional deposits as collateral against damages or default. Moreover, the success of this scheme relies heavily on the efficiency and reliability of the third party that administers the rental bonds. 

Additionally, there may be concerns regarding the affordability of the slightly higher monthly rent associated with zero deposit rentals. Tenants must carefully weigh the long-term financial implications and compare the total cost of renting under the zero deposit scheme versus traditional deposit-based rentals. 


The zero deposit rental scheme in Bengaluru offers a promising alternative to the traditional, deposit-heavy rental process, aligning with the financial capabilities and needs of modern urban tenants and landlords. As the market matures and more data becomes available on the effectiveness and reliability of this model, it could herald a significant transformation in the rental landscape, not only in Bengaluru but across other urban centers in India where the demand for accessible housing continues to grow.