Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) Expands Land Acquisition for Edu City Project

In an ambitious move to develop a world-class educational hub in Lucknow, the Lucknow Development Authority (LDA) has recently secured more land for the Mohan Road scheme, commonly referred to as Edu City. Over the past three days, 15 farmers from the Pyarepur village signed agreements, transferring possession of over 12 hectares of land to the LDA. This land acquisition marks a significant step forward in the development of the Edu City project, which has been in the pipeline for several years.

Background and Initial Challenges

The Edu City project, strategically located on the outskirts of Lucknow, is envisioned as a modern educational and residential hub modeled after the successful Panchkula-Chandigarh region. Initially, the LDA had acquired 785 acres of land across two villages, Pyarepur and Kaliyakheda. However, the project faced hurdles when farmers from Pyarepur raised objections regarding the compensation for their land. They argued that they were being compensated at a lower rate compared to their counterparts in Kaliyakheda. This discrepancy led to delays in land acquisition, stalling the progress of the project.

In response to the farmers' concerns, the LDA held a board meeting where a proposal was passed to increase the compensation rate for Pyarepur landowners. This decision was a turning point in gaining the trust and cooperation of the farmers, which was crucial for the project's advancement. The increased compensation, along with the LDA's commitment to negotiate on a consensual basis, paved the way for the recent land acquisitions.

Negotiations and Agreements

To facilitate the land acquisition process, the LDA vice-chairman Prathamesh Kumar formed a special committee tasked with negotiating with the farmers. The committee set up a camp in Pyarepur village, where they engaged in discussions with landowners to reach mutually agreeable terms. Over a span of 15 days, the committee successfully negotiated with the farmers, resulting in 15 of them signing the agreement to transfer their land to the LDA.

The consensual approach adopted by the LDA was key to these successful negotiations. By addressing the farmers' concerns and ensuring fair compensation, the LDA was able to acquire the necessary land without resorting to coercive measures, which are often a source of conflict in large-scale development projects.

Development Plans and Vision

With the additional land now under its possession, the LDA is set to commence the development work for the first phase of the Edu City project. A tender worth ₹225 crore has been issued for this phase, which includes the construction of roads, sewers, water supply systems, electrification, and drainage. These infrastructure developments are essential for laying the groundwork for the educational institutions and residential areas that will form the core of Edu City.

The Edu City project is planned to include 74 acres reserved for educational institutions, which will house schools, colleges, and research centers. Additionally, 160 acres have been designated for green belts, ensuring that the area maintains a balance between urban development and environmental sustainability. This focus on green spaces is in line with modern urban planning principles, which emphasize the importance of providing residents with access to natural environments.

The overall vision for Edu City is to create a self-sustaining urban environment that not only meets the educational needs of the region but also provides high-quality residential options for students, faculty, and other residents. The project aims to attract educational institutions of national and international repute, positioning Lucknow as a leading destination for education in North India.

Future Prospects

As the LDA moves forward with the development of Edu City, the successful land acquisition marks a crucial milestone in the project's timeline. The focus now shifts to the timely execution of the infrastructure work, which is expected to begin shortly on the newly acquired land. Once completed, Edu City will not only enhance the educational infrastructure of Lucknow but also contribute to the city's economic growth by creating new opportunities for employment and business.