Growing Luxury Housing Demand Making Affordable Homes Costlier for Indians: Reuters Survey

India’s real estate sector is witnessing a significant shift, with a booming demand for luxury properties driving up home prices across the country. This trend has led to concerns about the future of affordable housing, as more potential homeowners find themselves priced out of the market. A recent survey by Reuters sheds light on how the increasing focus on high-end real estate is making it harder for average Indians to buy affordable homes.

A Rapidly Growing Economy and its Uneven Impact

India's economy is growing at a faster pace than many other countries, and this growth is largely fueled by a burgeoning upper class. However, this economic progress is not benefiting everyone equally. According to the survey, the country’s robust financial growth is expected to cater primarily to a select group of individuals. As these wealthy individuals dominate the real estate market, demand for luxury homes continues to soar, driving up prices across the board. This leaves a shrinking market for affordable homes, making it increasingly difficult for middle-income buyers to enter the housing market.

Soaring Home Prices and Its Effect on First-Time Buyers

In recent years, national home prices have seen a significant rise. Last year alone, home prices in India surged by 4.3%. This year, they are expected to climb by 7.75%, and within the next two years, prices are anticipated to increase by an additional 6-6.25%. These figures indicate a steady increase in property prices, making it even harder for first-time buyers to afford homes. Notably, these price hikes are more pronounced in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru, where the demand for luxury homes is particularly strong.

With the continuous surge in property prices, many prospective buyers are being pushed into the rental market. For first-time home buyers, the decision to purchase a home is becoming more challenging, as they struggle to keep up with rising prices. The survey highlights how this trend is making homeownership a distant dream for many, particularly those in the middle-income bracket.

The Luxury Segment: A Booming Market

One of the key drivers behind this price increase is the growing demand for luxury properties. The survey reveals that the luxury housing market is expanding rapidly, with developers increasingly shifting their focus toward high-end projects to meet market demand, while the supply of new affordable housing has remained stagnant.

The luxury housing segment has become a lucrative option for real estate developers. While affordable housing offers low profit margins, luxury properties cater to ultra-wealthy individuals and provide higher returns on investment. This shift in focus is further squeezing the availability of affordable homes, as developers prioritize high-margin luxury projects over lower-margin affordable housing.

Mixed Opinions on Affordability

The survey also revealed divided opinions among property market analysts regarding the future of affordability in the Indian housing market. Out of the surveyed experts, 10 analysts expressed optimism that affordability for first-time buyers might improve in the future, while 8 analysts believe that conditions will worsen. This divide reflects the uncertainty surrounding the housing market’s trajectory and its impact on middle-class buyers.

For developers, the luxury market offers greater incentives to focus on high-end buyers. This select group of individuals, often characterized by their significant purchasing power, is fueling the real estate sector’s growth. However, for average Indian buyers, this shift is making affordable housing scarcer, leading to an overall increase in property prices across various segments.

The Future of Affordable Housing

As the demand for luxury properties continues to rise, the future of affordable housing in India looks uncertain. The current trend suggests that developers will likely continue to focus on high-end projects, further limiting the supply of affordable homes. For many middle-income buyers, this could mean either settling for rental properties or delaying their home-buying decisions.

While some experts are hopeful that government policies or market corrections may help improve affordability, the overall outlook remains challenging. With national home prices expected to continue their upward trajectory, affordable housing may become even more elusive for many Indians in the coming years.


The high demand for luxury properties in India is reshaping the country’s real estate landscape. While the growth of the luxury housing segment is boosting the economy, it is also contributing to a widening gap in housing affordability. For first-time homebuyers and middle-income individuals, the dream of owning a home may become increasingly difficult to achieve as affordable housing options diminish and property prices rise further. Developers, driven by higher profit margins, will likely continue to prioritize luxury projects, leaving affordable housing in short supply. This trend is poised to shape the future of India’s real estate market, with significant implications for potential homeowners across the country.