Enhancing Construction Site Security: Goa Implements Verification Measures for Labourers

In response to recent security concerns, Goa's Director General of Police, Jaspal Singh, has directed law enforcement to conduct thorough verifications of laborers at all construction sites across the state. This initiative follows a tragic incident involving the rape and murder of a five-year-old girl allegedly by laborers in Vasco.

During a law and order meeting at the police headquarters in Panaji, Singh emphasized the importance of identifying and monitoring suspected habitual burglars among the labor force. The goal is to enhance security measures and prevent similar incidents in the future.

Singh's directives include the compilation of a list of suspected habitual burglars and ensuring police verification of all laborers employed at construction sites. Additionally, contractors are encouraged to cooperate and facilitate the verification process for their workforce.

To bolster security efforts, Goa police will conduct regular patrols in affected areas, both day and night. They will also leverage advanced technologies such as the national automated fingerprint identification system to identify previously arrested individuals and update crime records.

Furthermore, Singh emphasized the importance of uniformed presence and effective distribution of duties among police personnel. Beat officers are instructed to wear their uniforms and remain present in their designated areas to deter criminal activities.

To streamline coordination and information sharing, district superintendents of police will collaborate with the crime branch to establish a modus operandi bureau. The effectiveness of district superintendents will be evaluated based on their ability to mobilize night patrols and maintain the beat system.

In addition to local efforts, Goa police have engaged with their counterparts in Karnataka, holding a meeting in Belagavi to discuss cross-border security issues and collaboration strategies.

By implementing stringent verification measures and enhancing police presence, Goa aims to improve security at construction sites and safeguard against criminal activities. These proactive steps underscore the government's commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens and residents.