DTCP to Revoke Occupancy Certificates of 745 Houses in DLF Phases 1-3 Over Building Norm Violations

The Haryana Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) has recommended revoking the occupancy certificates of 745 houses in DLF phases one, two, and three due to building norm violations and unauthorized commercial activities. This action follows the directions of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, which instructed authorities to address non-compliance in the area.

DTCP’s enforcement wing has sent a recommendation to the planning wing after issuing show cause and restoration notices to the property owners. According to officials, the homeowners failed to take corrective measures or remove violations despite repeated warnings. The department has classified these violations as non-compoundable, meaning that the property owners cannot simply pay a penalty to legalize the unauthorized changes. As a result, the next step may involve disconnecting civic amenities, including electricity, water, and sewage services.

According to DTCP, the recommendation includes revoking occupancy certificates for 43 plots in DLF phase one, 57 plots in DLF phase two, and 645 plots in DLF phase three. The move is part of a larger effort to enforce building regulations in these upscale residential areas, where violations have been a longstanding issue.

The department conducted a survey of 15,000 houses across DLF phases one to five as part of a court-directed assessment and found violations in 4,500 properties. Following the survey, DTCP issued notices to the property owners and completed all required legal formalities before initiating enforcement measures. Officials stated that the current action targets properties where owners have not complied with previous orders.

Unauthorized construction and illegal commercial activities have been a recurring issue in DLF phases, where residential properties are often modified without approval. Some houses have been converted into commercial establishments, guesthouses, or offices, violating zoning regulations. Authorities have repeatedly cautioned homeowners about unauthorized modifications, but enforcement has been inconsistent in the past.

The decision to revoke occupancy certificates is expected to impact property owners significantly. Without valid certificates, homeowners may face legal consequences, restrictions on property transactions, and difficulties in obtaining utility services. DTCP officials emphasized that compliance with building norms is essential to maintain urban planning standards and ensure that civic infrastructure is not overburdened by unapproved modifications.

Moving forward, DTCP is expected to take further action against other non-compliant properties in DLF phases four and five. The department is also working on a broader strategy to strengthen enforcement mechanisms and prevent future violations. Meanwhile, affected homeowners may seek legal remedies or request reconsideration based on individual cases.

The real estate market in Gurgaon has witnessed rapid growth, and large-scale residential projects like DLF phases one to five have been at the center of urban expansion. However, unauthorized modifications have led to concerns about safety, infrastructure strain, and deviations from planned development norms. DTCP’s ongoing enforcement drive aims to bring regulatory compliance and restore planned development in these areas.

Image source- dlfhomes.co.in