New MahaRERA Order: Clarity and Protection for Homebuyers on Parking Space Disputes

Buying a home is one of the most significant investments in a person's life. An integral part of this investment, often fraught with disputes, is the allotment of parking space. The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has recently addressed these disputes by issuing a new order on April 29, 2024, which mandates explicit details about parking spaces in the allotment letter. This order aims to eliminate ambiguity and safeguard homebuyers from potential malpractices by developers. Here’s an in-depth look at the implications and benefits of this order for homebuyers.

Key Provisions of the MahaRERA Order

The new MahaRERA order stipulates that the allotment letter must explicitly mention the number, type, size, and location of the parking space allotted to the buyer. Specifically, the term 'size' is defined to include:

1. Open Parking Areas: The dimensions (length x breadth) of the parking space for each vehicle.

2. Covered Parking Spaces: The dimensions (length x breadth x vertical clearance) for garages, basement, podium, stilts, and mechanized parking spaces.

Additionally, the approved parking layout plan, detailing the type, size, and number of parking spaces, must be attached to the allotment letter or the sale agreement. These clauses are deemed 'non-negotiable,' and any non-compliance or modification will render the sale agreement invalid and non-binding on the buyer.

Standard Parking Space Dimensions

To ensure uniformity and avoid disputes, MahaRERA has revised the model agreement between developers and homebuyers. This revision aims to provide precise information regarding the specifications of allotted parking spaces, thereby empowering buyers to take prompt legal action against any deviations.

Benefits of the MahaRERA Order

1. Dispute Resolution

Incorporating a detailed sample clause, as specified in the annexure of the MahaRERA order, into the sale agreement and allotment letter protects the interests of allottees. This transparency reduces conflicts between promoters and allottees regarding parking assignments and related expenses.

2. Enhanced Awareness

The order clarifies minimum parking space requirements, ensuring homebuyers have a clear understanding of the parking space they are purchasing. This detailed information in official documents helps buyers make informed decisions.

3. Legal Protection

Including parking space details in legal documents like the sale agreement offers homebuyers robust legal protection. If any issues arise regarding the parking space, buyers have documented proof of what was agreed upon, facilitating easier resolution of disputes.

4. Prevention of Misleading Practices

The new order discourages developers from engaging in misleading practices regarding the size and location of parking spaces. By mandating transparency, the order ensures developers deliver what they promise, thereby reducing the chances of homebuyers receiving inadequate or unsuitable parking spaces.

Special Provisions for Mechanized Parking Systems

The order also outlines specific guidelines for societies with mechanized car parking systems. These systems, which optimize parking capacity through vertical stacking of vehicles, are becoming increasingly popular. The order specifies that the structural components of a mechanical parking system should be considered part of the parking space. This ensures homebuyers know the exact usable space available for their vehicle, excluding structural components, and prevents developers from including these components in the total parking space measurement.

Benefits of Clarity on Usable Space

1. Transparent Measurements: Homebuyers can clearly understand the actual usable space available, leading to better satisfaction and fewer disputes.

2. Prevention of Misleading Information: Developers cannot mislead buyers by including structural components in the total parking space measurement, ensuring transparency and honesty in transactions.

Practical Implications for Homebuyers

For homebuyers, this order offers significant practical advantages:

1. Clear Documentation: By having detailed dimensions and locations of parking spaces in the allotment letter and sale agreement, buyers can avoid misunderstandings and disputes with developers.

2. Informed Decisions: Detailed information helps buyers assess whether the parking space meets their needs, aiding in better decision-making.

3. Legal Recourse: In case of deviations from the agreed terms, buyers have documented evidence to support their claims in legal proceedings.

Addressing Common Issues with Parking Spaces

Size Mismatches

One of the most common disputes between homebuyers and developers revolves around the size of the parking space. With the new MahaRERA order, buyers can verify the dimensions of their allotted parking space beforehand. This transparency helps prevent scenarios where a buyer finds the parking space too small for their vehicle upon possession.

Location Discrepancies

Another frequent issue is the location of the parking space. Often, buyers are promised a parking space close to their apartment, only to find it located in a less convenient area. By mandating that the location of the parking space be clearly mentioned in the allotment letter, the MahaRERA order ensures that buyers know exactly where their parking space will be, preventing unpleasant surprises.

Impact on the Real Estate Market

The MahaRERA order is expected to have a significant impact on the real estate market in Maharashtra:

Increased Transparency

By requiring detailed documentation of parking spaces, the order increases transparency in real estate transactions. This transparency builds trust between homebuyers and developers, fostering a healthier real estate market.

Boost in Homebuyer Confidence

Clear and precise information regarding parking spaces can boost homebuyer confidence. Knowing that their interests are protected by law encourages more people to invest in real estate, potentially leading to an increase in property sales.

Standardization Across Projects

The order also promotes standardization across real estate projects. Developers must adhere to the same guidelines, ensuring uniformity in how parking spaces are allocated and documented. This standardization can lead to a more organized and predictable real estate market.

Legal and Financial Implications for Developers

For developers, the new MahaRERA order presents both challenges and opportunities:

Compliance Requirements

Developers must ensure that their documentation and practices comply with the new order. This may require additional effort and resources, particularly for projects already in progress. However, compliance is essential to avoid legal issues and maintain credibility in the market.

Potential Cost Implications

Ensuring compliance with the order might entail additional costs for developers. These could include costs associated with revising allotment letters, updating sale agreements, and ensuring the accuracy of parking space dimensions. However, these costs are likely to be outweighed by the benefits of increased buyer confidence and reduced disputes.

Opportunities for Differentiation

Developers who proactively comply with the new order can use it as a differentiator in the market. By showcasing their commitment to transparency and buyer protection, they can attract more customers and enhance their reputation.


The new MahaRERA order represents a pivotal step in protecting the rights of homebuyers and ensuring transparency in the real estate sector. By mandating detailed documentation of parking spaces, the order aims to eliminate ambiguity, reduce disputes, and prevent misleading practices by developers. This proactive measure empowers homebuyers with clear, precise information, enabling them to make informed decisions and secure their investments effectively.

As the real estate landscape continues to evolve, such regulatory measures are crucial in building trust and fostering a fair and transparent market. Homebuyers in Maharashtra can now look forward to a more secure and transparent process when it comes to the allotment of parking spaces in their new homes. For developers, adhering to these guidelines not only ensures compliance but also offers an opportunity to build stronger relationships with buyers through enhanced transparency and trust.

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